minimum height for volleyball player female

Minimum Height for Volleyball Player Female

The world of volleyball is not just a game of spikes and serves; it’s also a platform where athleticism and height often go hand-in-hand. But what if you’re not the tallest player on the court? Does that mean you can’t make a successful career in volleyball? This article aims to shed some light on the minimum height for female volleyball players and why this number is not set in stone.

Contrary to popular belief, there’s no official minimum height for female volleyball players, making the sport inclusive and open to athletes of all heights.

The Height Myth in Female Volleyball

Historical Height Data

Traditionally, height has been considered a significant advantage in volleyball. With the average height for female volleyball players standing at about 6.28 ft (as of 2023), it’s easy to see why height is often emphasized.

Skill vs. Height

While height offers advantages in spiking and blocking, skill and agility often play an equally important role. The most effective players combine height with skill, but lack of height can be compensated for with excellent technique and speed.

Positions for Different Heights

If you’re not as tall as the average player, don’t worry. Positions like libero and setter often favor players who are agile and have quick reflexes over those who are tall.

Real-Life Examples

Shortest Professional Female Volleyball Player

Jorella Marie de Jesus, standing at 4.99 ft, defies the height norm and excels as both an outside hitter and libero because of her exceptional jumping ability.

Tallest Professional Female Volleyball Player

On the other end of the spectrum, Alba Hernandez towers at 6.79 ft and serves as a middle blocker, showing that height can be an advantage but is not a requirement.


The question of the minimum height for a female volleyball player often looms large in the minds of aspiring athletes. However, the truth is that there’s no official minimum height requirement. Your skills, dedication, and passion for the sport matter just as much, if not more.


What is the average height for a professional female volleyball player?

The average height for a professional female volleyball player as of 2023 is approximately 6.28 ft, although this can vary between 5.91 ft and 6 ft.

Is 5’7″ considered short for a female volleyball player?

While the average height of a female professional volleyball player is around 6.28 ft, a height of 5’7″ is not necessarily considered short and can be suitable for positions like libero or setter.

Can I play volleyball if I’m 5’1″?

Absolutely, you can still play volleyball even if you’re 5’1″. Positions such as libero are well-suited for players who may not have the height but make up for it in agility and skill.

What is the height of the volleyball net for women?

The standard net height for women’s volleyball is 7 feet 4 1/8 inches, or about 2.24 meters.